Works in Progress

All of the dollhouses shown on this page are in progress of being refurbished. Some need minimum attention, like furnishing and adding accessories and a family, while others need walls or floors, cleaning, or reconstructing ...lots of Tender Loving Care!   

Rich Toys, 1938

Rich Toys, 1938

Rich Toys, 1939?

Rich Toys, 1940s

Keystone of Boston, 1930s

Keystone of Boston, 1940s

Schoenhut, 1930s


UK Hobbies #186, 1936

UK Caroline's Home, 1980s

UK Caroline's Home Chalet, 1980s

UK Dol Toi, 1970s

UK Amersham, 1950-60s

German Albin Schonherr, 1950s

German roombox store, 1980s

German Vero, 1970s

German unknown possibly Wagner, 1900s

German room box, 1980s

German Dora Kuhn room boxes stacked

Lisa of Denmark with a Lundby extension, 1970s

Lisa of Denmark, 1970s

Swedish Micki Gemla

Swedish Micki Gemla

Swedish Lundby Economy, 1970s

Swedish Lundby, 1960s

Swedish Lundby with 3 extensions, 1970s

Swedish Lundby Stockholm with 2 extensions, 1970s

Swedish Brio, 1970s

USA Homebuilt, 1950s

French Les Creations Syldre farm

Triang #62, 1950


  1. Your collection never ceases to amaze me! Looks like you have many fun times ahead restoring all these wonderful dollhouses.

  2. I am amazed at the wonderful variety of dollhouses you have. You will have many fun times restoring all of these unique dollhouses.
