GREAT NEWS from Mini2B: Well, I found the plans for this house by asking Mr. Grandberg!! He sent me the following response: "Your e-mail is timely in that I have been looking into "re-introducing" the plans to the market. I'll look into the logistics of establishing a mailing package and its related out-of-pocket costs. Thanks for linking me into the blog-very exciting! If you wish to contact the blog and pass on my information, I have no problem." He requested that "contact be thru my web-site @" So if you are interested in the plans, let him know.
Thanks for all your dilgent searching after all my suggestions were dead-ends, Mini2B! I plan to let Mr. Grandberg know I am still interested after all these years. I may not get one built (as my true love are dollhouses from the 1930s-1950s) but I collect dollhouse plans as often as I collect dollhouses!
If you are interested in building this great house, please let Mr. Grandberg know at his above web-site.
I've posted the complete plans (in pieces) free at under my name: Jean Rafenski Reynolds. You can download them there.